Read in the newspaper today that reservations would not dilute the quality of education output based on the OBCs outscoring the general merit students in Karnataka. And also, that this case will be pointed to the PM as a proof that reservations won't dilute the quality of students.
I just have two questions.
1. Is this a representative sample. Meaning that all OBCs across India are performing better than General Merit students?
2. If it is, and I pray it is a true representation of the prowess of the OBC candidates, then why on earth do we need reservation at all? Won't they make it on merit alone?
I have always felt that give the weak anything to teach him to survive, but don't ever give him just his next meal. Give the students free books and tutions and hostel accomodations and grants to do more in life, but please dont give them a seat in a college and expect to rectify the imbalance caused all those years ago by the caste system.
Won't it be nice if, in the 100m finals at the olympics, a weak candidate is asked to run from half way just so that equality can be maintained. Equality is not the natural state of anything in this world. Its man-made. We should strive for equality 'coz that is one of our purposes to be existing, not be handed over the equality on a platter. Where's the pride in that? Where's the achievement in that? Where's the life in that?
And, I am sure that we have reached another kind of divide in today's world. The divide of influence. Those who influence are not affected by their actions and those who are effected have no choice but to oblige. (Think of it as, how many children of political honchos, will be refused admission to any college 'coz they are general merit and the quota is over?) They make the rules but are clear of its impact. This is the divide that will ultimately eat our society alive. He says he has done more than anyone for his state and he has 13 children. Wow, are we really in the 21st century yet?
Anyway, read my previous post 'coz I am going to watch the sky. ;-)
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