Gateway: An Awesome Game

Gateway: Common Sense
I just stumbled across this online game recently. (Actually, just yesterday) And I totally fell in love with this game. Its small, its fast to download and if you have reasonable common sense and patience, you can complete this game in about 15 minutes max. (I took 12 minutes)
This game is what a quintessential online game should be according to me. Quick to download, low on the visuals, easy to learn, engrossing to play and with enough variety to refresh me in not more than 10 minutes.
And Gateway Ahoy! Loved it...
Check out this game at this link.
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Jesssica Lal

I am not sure if it makes sense to even write about it anymore, but its a pity that justice (or in my humble opinion, the right and duty of being human) comes at such a cost that it becomes unbearably tedious to fight anymore. I read an article today on the front page of The Times of India and I am appalled at the sheer insensitivity that is going around in the world today. I dont know if what the article said is true or not and I am not trying to judge that here, but I am only wondering what is the price a man has to pay to live rightfully. We all know what happened should not have happened, but unfortunately it did. Yet, there is no closure to the matter. Someone got killed, murdered, someone was robbed of her basic right to live and here we are trying to figure out the person who did it. All I know is that someone did it and that someone should be punished for taking what belonged to someone else. Her life.It could happen to me and you and then how will we ever deal with it? I wonder and pray that more sense is pumped into us to not only avoid these instances in the future but also realise how to bring closure to the incidents that have passed us in time.If you dont know what I am talking about check out the following link.

A small get together

Originally uploaded by ezeeactor.

This is my wedding snap in March 06. My mom is on the extreme left of the picture and my dad is the second person from the right of the snap. [What? You want to know where I am? Take a wild guess ;-)]

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